The Transportation section of the SCI includes measures that reflect the quality of public transit, facilities for walking and bicycling along with measure of transportation-related health impacts, such as injuries. The transportation system in impacts health and well-being through:
- Access to jobs, goods, and services;
- The livability of neighborhoods, including opportunities for physical activity and social interaction vs. violence and isolation;
- Safety from traffic injury; and
- Exposure to environmental pollution including noise, air pollution and water contamination.
T.1. Create a resource-efficient, equitable transportation system
T.1.a. Motor vehicle access
T.1.b. Trips by non-auto mode
T.1.c. Time spent walking or biking
T.1.d. Transit commute time
T.1.e. Transit cost
T.1.f. Public Transit Score
T.2. Ensure the safety of the transportation system
T.2.a. Severe/fatal traffic injuries
T.2.b. Pedestrian Environmental Quality Index
T.2.c. Bike lanes and paths
T.2.d. Speed limit compliance
T.3. Reduce adverse environmental health impacts of the transportation system
T.3.a. Distance travelled in automobiles
T.3.b. Traffic density
T.3.c. Truck routes
Understanding and analyzing the various indicators under T.1 is crucial for addressing the challenges posed by transportation disparities. Health-focused essays can delve into the significance of motor vehicle access, non-auto mode trips, and the impact of transit on community health